Daily DRVN #47

Cosmic Royale gets more competitive + Cali's autonomous nagging law + The Grand Tour limps on

I hope you’re wearing your lucky cap. Because today’s car culture news is a mix of hat-tips and head-scratchers.

Cosmic Royale is leveling up with new features to keep the competition fierce and fair. Meanwhile, California’s latest plan to micromanage your driving habits might have you wishing for simpler times. And just when we thought The Grand Tour was over, Amazon decides to keep it rolling—with new hosts, no less.

Let’s dive in and see what’s up!

In This Issue

New features coming to Cosmic Royale

This great Mario Kart-style game is about to get even better.

By popular demand, Eden Games is about to push a couple key updates that will make their MMO kart battle game even more competitive. Here’s the scoop.

New Tickets System

Climbing the leaderboard can be tough, especially with players grinding for hours. To make it fairer, they’re introducing Ranked Tournaments! 

Here’s how it works: 

  • Every day, each player will receive 8 tickets to use in that day's 24-hour tournament. Only races where you spend a ticket will count towards your leaderboard ranking and earn you RP.

  • If you just want to play for fun without affecting your rank, you can switch to Practice mode. In this mode, you can still enjoy the game, but you won't earn points from your races.

  • Switching between Ranked and Practice modes is super easy—just toggle between them on the game’s home screen.

When does it start? This new system kicks off on September 5, 2024. To implement these changes smoothly, they will need to temporarily disable the Ranked Mode for a brief stint on September 4th. Practice Mode will however be opened as soon as the new version rolls out on the 5th.

Shockwave Rewamp

They've made some electrifying changes to the Shockwave feature, also dropping up on September 5th!

What’s New? Instead of holding down a button to activate your Shockwave, your kart’s tires will now gradually charge up with power as you race.

Once your tires are fully charged, a visual cue will appear—just press the button to unleash the Shockwave and leave your opponents in the dust! Keep an eye on those tires, time it right, and dominate the track!

They believe this update will level the playing field, giving everyone a fair shot at climbing the leaderboard.

California may mandate a speed warning in all new cars

The only nannies to be trusted have anti-gravity umbrellas and handbags that defy the laws of physics.

But the bureaucrats in California, per-usual, think they can play nanny indefinitely, and have no problem jamming their brand of medicine down your throat… Without so much as a spoon full of sugar.

(Does that Mary Poppins reference date me?)

Senate Bill 961 introduced by Senator Scott Wiener (what a “dick”) is damn close to becoming law.

The bill proposes that by 2030 (I keep seeing this date everywhere. Weird.) all new cars must implement systems using a combination of GPS and forward-facing cameras trained to spot speed limit signs to determine the legal limit.

Exceed it by 10 mph and face “the ding”.


Do you really think they will stop at that? If recent revelations from the spontaneously combusting Carolla GRs is true, your insurance provider will be alerted every time your car nags you to back off the throttle.

How do we know this? When the unlucky GR owners went to file a claim, it was rejected by their insurer because they had records, obtained directly from the onboard telemetry systems that the owner had been naughty once or twice.

Ford has even patented a system that tattles on you to the local PD.

Well, Buster has something to say about that…

Apparently, the Grand Tour ISN’T over… But it might as well be

Leave it to Amazon to try to milk a good thing for everything it’s worth, until all that’s left is a slow pussy ooze.

(Sorry, was that too graphic? I may be a bit bitter about what they did with LOTR.)

Yesterday I reported that the Grand Tour with Richard, Jeremy, and James was coming to an end. Well, now it has been announced they they are gonna do a little switcharoo with new hosts and keep the tour going.

Whether it will be '“grand” remains to be seen. All I have to say is… How many times did they unsuccessfully try to reboot Top Gear?

Side Splitters for Tire Kickers

This one hits a bit too close to home.

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